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May 2015 Open Meeting Summary 05012015

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/1/2015 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s Susan, Homer, John, Rick, Robert, Dalton, and CoC Scott present.

  2. April minutes read.

  3. Susan: 3c(1)(a): you can trap out of season with permit

  4. Rick: 3c(2): cost: $30 +S&H for 10

  5. Dalton motioned to accept; Susan seconded

  6. Homer-yes, John-abstain, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-abstain

  7. Financial Report: Chief Hatcher will forward to Council

  8. Online Votes

  9. $80 for port-a-potty- moot since Gary’s Pumping donated them

  10. Use of PA System: John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  11. Old Business

  12. Trademark of Tribal Logo: Susan

  13. Can trademark through Secretary of State’s office for $15/ class

  14. Not sure if it covers us nationally

  15. Review every 5 years

  16. Homer motioned to start with SoS office; Rick seconded

  17. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  18. New Business

  19. Committee Reports

  20. Arts & Crafts: Susan

  21. Met 4/12

  22. Have a proposed budget for approval: $239

  23. Budget handout given to Council

  24. Homer motioned to approve budget; John seconded

  25. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  26. Discussed USC-Lancaster display

  27. 2nd Chief Phil said for artists to submit 2 pieces for display; Susan suggested 4 so they can be rotated throughout the year

  28. Council will get to see pictures of items to be put on display

  29. Classes should help sustain committee as far as money for product soon

  30. Grants: Michelle

  31. SCAC: declined our grant; only approved 2 this year

  32. Chief Hatcher: Lowe’s grant also denied

  33. Buildings & Grounds: John

  34. RV Project: items ordered; hope 5/16 or 5/23 for work day with 10 people

  35. Flashing put in to help with roof leak

  36. Cemetery fund: $370.00

  37. Cemetery maintenance

  38. Chief Hatcher: who takes of the one on Juno Rd

  39. Some thought Wayne did, but were unsure

  40. Pauwau: Michelle

  41. Policy Book progress: money management policy has been drafted

  42. Next up: gate, dance, miscellaneous items

  43. Ads: the ad form is ready to distribute and we could use everyone’s assistance

  44. Chief Hatcher requested a list of the dancers

  45. Michelle: dance registration notebook should still be in the office

  46. Next meeting 5/13 @ Ryan’s

  47. Sewer Pump Project: Mark

  48. Still need funding

  49. John: how much was it?

  50. Mark: approx. $9-10k total; $3400 for just the pump

  51. Drum: Rick

  52. We will practice after the fishing tournament

  53. Fishing tournament 5/2 @ 9:30am (7:30 for setup)

  54. All covered but food

  55. Certificates of Participation & Photo of Chief

  56. Horry Independent confirmed they will be there

  57. Constitution: Dalton

  58. Meeting this month hopefully

  59. John requested to have the meeting at the tribal office

  60. Receipts

  61. Mark: food for fishing tournament: $200 check 629

  62. Chief Hatcher

  63. SCIAC opening bingo

  64. They want us to hang a few Native American items in the hall for grand opening or monthly

  65. Mark suggested there be a form to fill out as well as a timeframe with details

  66. Family gathering at Pee Dee Tribe in Bennettsville @ 1pm on 5/1

  67. Received a call stating there would be a congressional hearing on 25CFR87.3

  68. Fort Jackson demonstration- everyone should attend once if they can

  69. In process of electing 2 new tribes to sit on CMA commission and would like Joey Watford to continue to take that position for us

  70. Susan seconded

  71. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  72. SoS end-of-year and IRS reports done

  73. Susan

  74. Camping on Grounds: Council please remember to hit “reply all” when replying to emails so others can respond to your questions

  75. It would be from June-Nov

  76. She wants to park by the circle because of her dogs; says the barking bothers Donnie

  77. She understands the policy of 2 weeks on, 1 day off

  78. Rick: it’s still wet down there

  79. Mark: will she pick up after her dogs?

  80. Susan: her husband will

  81. She understands price & said she will give more

  82. Scott: she could go out the back gate

  83. Homer: she may have to because you’re working down there

  84. Homer motioned to allow her to use the grounds; Dalton seconded

  85. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  86. Elder Doug

  87. Jeania needs Chris Hatcher’s picture to do his ID card

  88. Dalton: I sent her it to her that night

  89. Alan’s ID card will be in the mail tomorrow

  90. Conway Senior Citizens wants someone to do a presentation

  91. Mark

  92. Justin Ammons not up for review

  93. Michelle: he was voted in 7/11/2014; not time yet

  94. Chief Hatcher: if we know someone has letters of support, awards, etc, we can consider that, not just the person standing in front of Council; Dalton seconded

  95. John: think all adults should have to verbally request a review

  96. Somewhere in the process they should have to be here

  97. Rick: can it be at Council’s discretion?

  98. Chief Hatcher: yes

  99. Chief Hatcher: withdraw proposal and will write one & send it to Council for review

Susan motioned to close the meeting; Homer seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:01 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 6/01/15 at 12:36 pm.

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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