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May 2016 Open Meeting Summary 05062016

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 05/06/2016 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s Dalton, Mark, Rick, Robert, Susan, Homer, and CoC John present.

  2. Open Forum held

  3. April minutes read

  4. Susan motioned to accept; Dalton seconded

  5. Dalton-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-abstain, Susan-yes, Homer-yes, John-yes

  6. Financial Report

  7. Unavailable at this time; will try to get from Lori by email

  8. Old Business

  9. Policy Letters

  10. Camping on the Grounds (non-PW)

  11. Use of the Tribal Grounds (non-camping)

  12. Goes with Tribal Grounds Rental Agreement

  13. Mark: still don’t think members should have to pay

  14. John: we reviewed it in April

  15. John: can we use heaters now that we have full electric on the posts?

  16. Chief Hatcher: shouldn’t be a problem

  17. Rick: on fees, it’s an incentive for people to keep membership fees up-to-date if we don’t charge them to use the grounds

  18. Homer: $25-50 is cheap to enjoy a day

  19. Use of the Tribal Office

  20. Goes with Tribal Office Rental Agreement

  21. Mark: same complaint; members should not have to pay

  22. Votes on Letters

  23. Camping on the Tribal Grounds (non-PW)

  24. John motioned; Rick seconded

  25. Dalton-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-abstain, Susan-yes, Homer-yes, John-yes

  26. Use of the Tribal Grounds (non-camping)

  27. John motioned; Dalton seconded

  28. Dalton-yes, Mark-no, Rick-yes, Robert-abstain, Susan-yes, Homer-yes, John-yes

  29. Use of the Tribal Office

  30. John motioned; Dalton seconded

  31. Dalton-yes, Mark-no, Rick-yes, Robert-abstain, Susan-yes, Homer-yes, John-yes

  32. Cemetery Encroachment: 2nd Chief Cheryl

  33. Need to file with probate to stop distribution of the estate; going to call Hope Martin to find out the best route to stop the James family actions; it will force us into mediation

  34. John: what is the initial step’s cost?

  35. 2nd C. Cheryl: unsure; as claimant, it may not cost anything

  36. John: if we start the process to hold him up and he doesn’t want to mediate, we have to be prepared to put more money in, correct?

  37. 2nd C. Cheryl: correct

  38. Chief Hatcher read the motion they are preparing, which will include all deeds, surveys, and attachments required

  39. John: and we would take that to probate?

  40. 2nd C. Cheryl: yes

  41. Chief Hatcher: it’s been my experience that if you already have a case number, you aren’t charged

  42. John: financially, what is our burden?

  43. Chief Hatcher: nothing right now

  44. 2nd C. Cheryl: minimal; we are asking the judge to not give an order so we can make a claim against his estate which will force him to defend against us

  45. John: and if we go further, then there’s money involved?

  46. Chief Hatcher: the onus is on him to prove we are wrong

  47. John: are we willing to put up what we have for a court battle?

  48. 2nd C. Cheryl: court can’t issue an order while the estate isn’t settled

  49. John: how long can it drag out?

  50. Chief Hatcher: months or years

  51. Mark: what about the value of the trees that he had cut down?

  52. 2nd C. Cheryl: that is a Masters-In-Equity issue

  53. John: can we stop them from using the parking lot?

  54. 2nd C. Cheryl: “No Trespass” signs have to clearly visible

  55. John: if we were to call the police and say cars are on our private property, would they come out?

  56. Mark: with pictures, it shouldn’t be a problem

  57. Rick: have them towed

  58. John: we aren’t settling the issue if it can be drawn out

  59. Chief Hatcher: hope is that he can’t do anything with it until probate settles it

  60. Dalton: if you post signs and cops go out there, they will usually force the other people to leave; I wouldn’t have them towed though

  61. 2nd C. Cheryl: problem is there is no paper trail right now

  62. Dalton: what about the eviction notice?

  63. Chief Hatcher: that was done, but the man told other people they could live there before he died

  64. Rick: in the meantime, he can take pictures of our signs and us and say we are the ones trespassing

  65. Homer: if we file, he may just move out

  66. Chief Hatcher: he already told me to file

  67. Mark motioned; Susan seconded to file with probate court with costs paid for by John

  68. Dalton-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Homer-yes, John-yes

  69. New Business

  70. Open Forum Discussion

  71. TRB Closed

  72. Chief Hatcher: spousal member whose spouse has died

  73. Dalton: current constitution: her membership ended when her spouse died

  74. Mark motioned to make all aspects of associate memberships controlled by Chief until the new constitution; Dalton seconded

  75. Dalton: New constitution ready in a month to be sent for a vote

  76. Mark rescinded his motion

  77. Tabled till next month

  78. Chief Hatcher: can I issue them an honorary membership instead of associate membership?

  79. Dalton: all parts of associate, yes

  80. Susan: do they need paperwork if done this way?

  81. Chief Hatcher, Michelle: all files need paperwork

  82. Chief Hatcher: problem is, right now, we have 400+ files to go through to make sure they are really complete

  83. Dalton motioned to modify her membership to Honorary and reinstate Joan Ammons; Mark seconded

  84. Dalton-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Homer-yes, John-yes

  85. Committee Reports

  86. Arts & Crafts: Susan

  87. Contacted by Brookgreen Gardens; work with them to build a suk

  88. Funded by them; use willows from here

  89. Use pvc pipe and cedar/ cypress-looking shingles

  90. Chief Hatcher: pricing to include materials for 2 (one for here, one for Brookgreen)

  91. They will put a sign up about us at Brookgreen

  92. Grants: Michelle

  93. SCAC: will hear back in mid-June

  94. Pauwau: Michelle

  95. Ad forms and flyers available on table for everyone to assist us

  96. Dalton to call on past ad donors

  97. Michelle to start working on PSA list

  98. John: can we (John, Michelle, Chief Hatcher) meet with the mayor?

  99. Sure, set up date/ time

  100. Mark: suggestion: raise RV camping prices to $35 because of new electrical posts

  101. Next meeting: 5/11/2016 @ 6pm

  102. Constitution: Dalton

  103. Newest constitution available

  104. Susan is getting cost of printing & mailing them through M&M

  105. Buildings & Grounds: Larry

  106. Bathrooms: working on the cost for 3 stalls

  107. Mark: get with Chris Hatcher for plumbing materials at low price

  108. Elder Doug: also look for them in other places besides here locally

  109. John: take pictures for us

  110. John: roof doesn’t seem to be as leaky

  111. Drum: Rick

  112. 2nd C. Phil is trying to learn so he can help us

  113. Rick motioned to allow 2nd C. Phil use of the small drum at his residence until otherwise noted; Homer seconded

  114. Dalton-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Homer-yes, John-yes

  115. Receipts

  116. John: Donnie paid for these receipts out of his pocket

  117. John motioned to allow Donnie to use the tractor repair receipt and one gas receipt to offset his rent; Mark seconded

  118. Dalton-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Homer-yes, John-yes

  119. Fuel Receipt paid back to Donnie

  120. $20.00 Check 683

  121. Fishing Day

  122. Mark: overspent by $200.86: Check 685

  123. Rick: need check for Gary’s Pumping: Check 684

  124. Need Council’s input if this event grows much bigger

  125. We bought one tent in case we needed it

  126. Mark: would like to do it on a permanent weekend date and make business cards with Fishing Day on one side and Pauwau on the other (Dori’s idea)

  127. John: going to have to put a limit on the number of people in the future

  128. Michelle: send out registration forms ahead of time

  129. Dalton: I would like $100 to promote our tribal Facebook page: Check 686

  130. Chief Hatcher

  131. Cemetery: had Ms. Hilda read the motion over

  132. Gary Green (?)

  133. Federal recognition: 2PhD’s willing to put their credentials on our petition

  134. Go through BIA because Congress can add amendments to it

  135. Elder Doug: wolves in TN; not taking care of the land

  136. Chief Hatcher: they are supposed to keep it in good condition

  137. Rick: where would be if the wolves were to hurt someone?

  138. Dalton: that’s on them

  139. Jim Murphy: grand opening in Nashville soon; we’re invited

  140. Cemetery trustees: Elder Dan

  141. John: Richard, Linda, Wayne, Hilda

  142. May need someone to take Wayne’s place if he resigns

  143. Gifts from John Blackfeather: flags, Eagle Staff, and stands

  144. Sending John Blackfeather a letter signed by everyone and framed

  145. Bills: hunting and fishing licenses, game parts, and discontinuation of future groups (former S611, in House now)

  146. Andrew Jackson’s picture will be put on the back of the $20 bill now

  147. Copier: Dustin will be by to look at it and also looking for a new one

  148. John: do we need one this big?

  149. Susan: we use all of its functions

  150. Homer: any thoughts to fencing the property in to keep derelicts out (example: bike weeks)?

Susan motioned to close the meeting; Mark seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 05/27/16 at 2:17 am.

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