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October 2013 Open Meeting Summary 10042013

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 10/4/2013 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CoC Scott and CM’s Dalton, Susan, Homer, Richia, Robert, and John present.

  2. September minutes read

  3. Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded

  4. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  5. Financial Report: Alan

  6. General Fund: deposits: $1852.50, debits: $809.21, balance: $6263.08

  7. $381.00 coming back due to fraudulent debit charge

  8. Building Fund: deposits: $290.00, debits: $60.00, balance: $2215.85

  9. Online Votes

  10. 9/7 Add Cemetery Manager, grounds manager, committee heads to Res J-HH-09-06-2013-001

  11. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-abstain, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  12. 9/8 Add names to Waccamaw Bucks award list

  13. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-abstain, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  14. 9/19 Add names to Waccamaw Bucks Award list

  15. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-absent, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  16. 10/1 Restrict cash donations to $200 in Waccamaw Bucks

  17. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-abstain, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  18. 10/1 Approval of Revised Res J-HH-09-06-2013-001

  19. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-abstain, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  20. Old Business

  21. Policy Letters: Susan

  22. Susan to send to Council again

  23. Use of the Tribal Office

  24. Susan: can’t we just put a locking door handle in place?

  25. Chief Hatcher: want to be careful with people around the files

  26. Take out nonmembers; Jeania K mentioned adding arbitration

  27. Change it to “not be held responsible”- 2nd Chief Cheryl to draft

  28. Use of the Tribal Grounds

  29. Susan: same clause in policy letter is on vendor applications

  30. change disclaimer, allow non-members

  31. Camping on the Tribal Grounds (Excluding Pauwau)

  32. Add illegal drugs to policy letters

  33. To Rick: electric heaters blow circuit breakers

  34. Use of the Tribal Logo

  35. Dispute on charges- $1 was too much

  36. Susan: not looking just at John A; looking at everyone

  37. Dalton: $50 flat fee per release

  38. Susan: devil’s advocate: what if they sell 100 & then want to get 100 more?

  39. Dalton: just 1000 people with our shirts will get our name out

  40. 2nd Chief Cheryl: talked about copyright infringement- civil & criminal

  41. Dalton: best thing would be to be selective on who we let use it

  42. Make them put a date on it

  43. Elder Doug: issue permit for 1 year & then not allow them to sell it

  44. Susan: $100 & it can’t be Waccamaw Bucks

  45. Richia & Robert seconded

  46. Jeania K: ex: you have 10 people who want to use the logo- do you get 10 times cost?

  47. Answer: yes- one per person per release

  48. Susan motions member only, $100 per run, & not Waccamaw Bucks

  49. Robert seconded

  50. Homer-no, Robert-yes, John-no, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  51. New Business

  52. Committee Reports

  53. Grants: Michelle

  54. Nothing at this time

  55. Buildings & Grounds: John T

  56. Work Day 10/5

  57. Paint Drum circle shed area, trash can

  58. Scott thanked John for pride he puts in the committee

  59. Pauwau: Michelle

  60. John: Hoe Down- gave out 400 fliers

  61. Rolling Thunder was proud of us

  62. Vendor Applications received to date: 11

  63. Meeting 10/9 at Shoney’s at 6:30

  64. Chief Hatcher: change 20ft front vendor space to $250

  65. Scott: Scouts want to dance this year

  66. Committee agreed, but also that they could not compete

  67. 2nd Chief Iris: could use it as a demonstration

  68. Homer: limit it, else more will want to

  69. John: other than Pauwau/ Family Day, no one seems to get involved

  70. Elevate Family Day, have more than one

  71. Classes with history, heritage, language

  72. Susan: Are you going to take the lead?

  73. John: Would, but lack knowledge

  74. Sell Arts & Crafts for money

  75. Chief Hatcher explained certification process

  76. Proposal on internet first

  77. Catawba language (Rock Hill)

  78. Program Book presented to Council for approval

  79. Still needs one page

  80. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  81. Aynor’s 100th Anniversary Special- thanks given to Rick & Donnie

  82. Fuel Receipts: $37.56 Check 1027

  83. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  84. 2nd Chief Iris

  85. No meeting recording on tribal website

  86. Johnnie F to email them to Doug

  87. Bookkeeper- gave report to Alan F

  88. Categories, 1099’s, Chart of Accounts

  89. Question: waiting period on minors that turn 18- must be responsible for their own file

  90. Sign the member’s agreement, application, & roll book as themselves

  91. On 18th birthday, 90 days later- gone if not updated

  92. Extend minor ID cards to 90 days

  93. Dalton motioned: minor member file is inactive 90 days after their 18th birthday, the member is removed

  94. Dalton/ John T seconded

  95. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  96. Tabled for now

  97. Question: ID sent to brand new member & it came back as bad address, inactive after 3rd mailing

  98. Chief Hatcher

  99. Human Affairs Commission wants to setup at Pauwau

  100. Used ID printer- needs printhead- $500

  101. Sumter Band wants to buy it from us

  102. Chief Hatcher proposes we donate it; Susan seconded

  103. J-HH-10-06-2013-002: Donation of ID Card Printer

  104. Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

  105. Res J-HH-10-06-2013-001: Appointment of Elders

  106. Seconded by Dalton

  107. Appointed Glenn Turner to Elders Council

  108. Say thank you to people more often

  109. Rats are eating new table; looking in to ways to treat it

  110. Johnnie F

  111. Will be glad to deliver printer to Sumter Band

  112. Wed before Pauwau (10/30)- setup tents, hay, etc….

Homer motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.

Meeting adjourned 9:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 12/5/13 at 3:03 am.

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