October 2013 Open Meeting Summary 10042013
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 10/4/2013 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CoC Scott and CM’s Dalton, Susan, Homer, Richia, Robert, and John present.
September minutes read
Dalton motioned to accept; Homer seconded
Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Financial Report: Alan
General Fund: deposits: $1852.50, debits: $809.21, balance: $6263.08
$381.00 coming back due to fraudulent debit charge
Building Fund: deposits: $290.00, debits: $60.00, balance: $2215.85
Online Votes
9/7 Add Cemetery Manager, grounds manager, committee heads to Res J-HH-09-06-2013-001
Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-abstain, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
9/8 Add names to Waccamaw Bucks award list
Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-abstain, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
9/19 Add names to Waccamaw Bucks Award list
Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-absent, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
10/1 Restrict cash donations to $200 in Waccamaw Bucks
Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-abstain, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
10/1 Approval of Revised Res J-HH-09-06-2013-001
Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-abstain, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Old Business
Policy Letters: Susan
Susan to send to Council again
Use of the Tribal Office
Susan: can’t we just put a locking door handle in place?
Chief Hatcher: want to be careful with people around the files
Take out nonmembers; Jeania K mentioned adding arbitration
Change it to “not be held responsible”- 2nd Chief Cheryl to draft
Use of the Tribal Grounds
Susan: same clause in policy letter is on vendor applications
change disclaimer, allow non-members
Camping on the Tribal Grounds (Excluding Pauwau)
Add illegal drugs to policy letters
To Rick: electric heaters blow circuit breakers
Use of the Tribal Logo
Dispute on charges- $1 was too much
Susan: not looking just at John A; looking at everyone
Dalton: $50 flat fee per release
Susan: devil’s advocate: what if they sell 100 & then want to get 100 more?
Dalton: just 1000 people with our shirts will get our name out
2nd Chief Cheryl: talked about copyright infringement- civil & criminal
Dalton: best thing would be to be selective on who we let use it
Make them put a date on it
Elder Doug: issue permit for 1 year & then not allow them to sell it
Susan: $100 & it can’t be Waccamaw Bucks
Richia & Robert seconded
Jeania K: ex: you have 10 people who want to use the logo- do you get 10 times cost?
Answer: yes- one per person per release
Susan motions member only, $100 per run, & not Waccamaw Bucks
Robert seconded
Homer-no, Robert-yes, John-no, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
New Business
Committee Reports
Grants: Michelle
Nothing at this time
Buildings & Grounds: John T
Work Day 10/5
Paint Drum circle shed area, trash can
Scott thanked John for pride he puts in the committee
Pauwau: Michelle
John: Hoe Down- gave out 400 fliers
Rolling Thunder was proud of us
Vendor Applications received to date: 11
Meeting 10/9 at Shoney’s at 6:30
Chief Hatcher: change 20ft front vendor space to $250
Scott: Scouts want to dance this year
Committee agreed, but also that they could not compete
2nd Chief Iris: could use it as a demonstration
Homer: limit it, else more will want to
John: other than Pauwau/ Family Day, no one seems to get involved
Elevate Family Day, have more than one
Classes with history, heritage, language
Susan: Are you going to take the lead?
John: Would, but lack knowledge
Sell Arts & Crafts for money
Chief Hatcher explained certification process
Proposal on internet first
Catawba language (Rock Hill)
Program Book presented to Council for approval
Still needs one page
Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Aynor’s 100th Anniversary Special- thanks given to Rick & Donnie
Fuel Receipts: $37.56 Check 1027
Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
2nd Chief Iris
No meeting recording on tribal website
Johnnie F to email them to Doug
Bookkeeper- gave report to Alan F
Categories, 1099’s, Chart of Accounts
Question: waiting period on minors that turn 18- must be responsible for their own file
Sign the member’s agreement, application, & roll book as themselves
On 18th birthday, 90 days later- gone if not updated
Extend minor ID cards to 90 days
Dalton motioned: minor member file is inactive 90 days after their 18th birthday, the member is removed
Dalton/ John T seconded
Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Tabled for now
Question: ID sent to brand new member & it came back as bad address, inactive after 3rd mailing
Chief Hatcher
Human Affairs Commission wants to setup at Pauwau
Used ID printer- needs printhead- $500
Sumter Band wants to buy it from us
Chief Hatcher proposes we donate it; Susan seconded
J-HH-10-06-2013-002: Donation of ID Card Printer
Homer-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Richia-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Res J-HH-10-06-2013-001: Appointment of Elders
Seconded by Dalton
Appointed Glenn Turner to Elders Council
Say thank you to people more often
Rats are eating new table; looking in to ways to treat it
Johnnie F
Will be glad to deliver printer to Sumter Band
Wed before Pauwau (10/30)- setup tents, hay, etc….
Homer motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.
Meeting adjourned 9:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 12/5/13 at 3:03 am.