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October 2015 Open Meeting Summary 10092015

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 10/09/2015 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s Homer, Susan, Robert, Mark, Rick, Dalton, & CoC John present.

  2. September minutes read.

  3. Dalton motioned to approve; Homer seconded

  4. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes

  5. Financial Report

  6. Unavailable; will update in December

  7. Online Votes

  8. 9/23 ID Card Dye Roll

  9. Homer-absent, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-absent, Dalton-yes, John-yes

  10. Old Business

  11. Membership Files

  12. Justin Ammons

  13. Susan motioned to approve; it was emailed, just not printed

  14. Files before 9/4/2015

  15. Charles Ray Hughes

  16. Kenneth Logan Stone

  17. Jannette Ammons Chatham

  18. Deanna Michelle Chatham

  19. Bonnie Ammons Stewart

  20. Amanda Stewart Cook

  21. Belinda Ammons Chatham

  22. Tabitha Chatham Risk

  23. Benjamin Dale Chatham

  24. Zachary Chatham

  25. Jean Dorothy Hayes

  26. Sara Louise Sellers Nunez-Mason

  27. Mickey Thompson

  28. Dock Roy Sellers

  29. Melissa Thompson

  30. Mark: keep books open till next open meeting till all hanging apps are done; Homer seconded

  31. Rick: Make them all honorary, get them genealogy done, & get them off books; Dalton seconded

  32. Mark withdrew his motion

  33. John: amend motion to accept all completed apps in full except genealogy as honorary & will continue to work on it until federal recognition; Postpone all other apps until after TRB reopens; Dalton seconded

  34. Secretary’s Note 11/18: Files added to TRB

  35. Christian Josiah Hooper

  36. Maranda Bost Fritts Spry

  37. Olivia Bost

  38. Bobby Bost

  39. Courtney Ammons Spry

  40. Henry Isaiah Hooper

  41. Samuel Seth Hooper

  42. Elijah Jacob Hooper

  43. Bethanie Jordan Hooper

  44. Nola Grace Ammons Hooper

  45. Jonathan Bently Louie Spry

  46. Nathaniel James Spry

  47. Jaycee Nola-Merle Curry

  48. Jayda Nina Marie Curry

  49. Winfred Todd Curry

  50. Charles Andrew Hooper

  51. Hannah Turner

  52. Bryan Turner

  53. Kenneth Eugene Ammons

  54. Facha Kim Jamila Modupa (Janet Alice Wilson)

  55. Hakim El-Faith Abdulrahman (John Henry Mitchell)

  56. Kevin Schewdo

  57. Ezekiel Pardo

  58. New Business

  59. Committee Reports

  60. Arts & Crafts: Susan

  61. Discovery place in Charleston: display for 1 year- arrowheads, gourds, knives, bonnets, necklaces

  62. John: has Todd or Phil worked on constructing the display case/ building for it?

  63. Grants: Michelle

  64. Nothing yet; looking at first of year

  65. Buildings & Grounds: John

  66. John stepped down as chair; Rick took over as chair

  67. Fire Ant treatment doesn’t seem to cover as much as we though; Wayne will do it $400

  68. Rick motioned; Mark seconded

  69. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes

  70. Check 1049 $400 from building fund account

  71. Cemetery Fund: $411.15

  72. Roof Project: discussed possibly doing a pitched roof

  73. Electrical box shorts will cost approximately $406 to replace all

  74. Dalton: as Chair, you could spend up to $500. Do you want that to extend to Rick?

  75. Homer motioned; Susan seconded

  76. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes

  77. Pauwau: Michelle

  78. 11 vendors so far, but most show up with paperwork in hand

  79. Program Book has a new page with the Governor & a new picture of Mark

  80. Last pauwau meeting of 2015 is 10/14

  81. John requested more volunteers

  82. Chief Hatcher doing a presentation/ event in NMB on 10/17

  83. Sewer Pump Project: Mark

  84. Roof should be done first

  85. John: take this off reports until we have more funds

  86. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes

  87. Drum: Rick

  88. Two guys come to Rick’s house a few times a week and have learned two songs

  89. Going to Chicora event on 10/17 to play

  90. Request and granted permission to use the small drum

  91. Constitution: Dalton

  92. Next meeting in December

  93. Still waiting on call-in results from Steve

  94. Fuel Receipts

  95. $41.46

  96. John motioned; Susan seconded

  97. Homer-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes

  98. Check 643

  99. Chief

  100. Lawyers don’t want us to go through Congress because they can put laws into the recognition process

  101. Sally, SC- event with Chief Chavis

  102. Special Needs Family Fun Day: Rain or Shine Day

  103. Susan: 11/5: Pauwau/ School Day setup & Family Day

  104. Chief Anthony Davidson passed away

  105. Rick: Work Day:10/24 & 10/31

  106. John: thanks to all who came out during the equinox

Mark motioned to close the meeting; Susan seconded.

Meeting adjourned 7:58 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 01/05/16 at 4:03 pm.

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Phone (843) 358-6877

591 Bluewater Rd, Aynor, SC 29511, United States

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