February 2018 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 2/2/2018 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CM’s Susan, Robert, John, Dalton, Jeania, and Rick present. Elders Dan, Doug, and Becky present.
Financial Report
General Fund: $12,010.33 (as of 2/1/2018 on CNB site)
Building Fund: $2016.94 (as of 2/1/2018 on CNB site)
Cemetery Fund: $531.26
Online Votes
1/26: January minutes: Susan: add Becky, Doug, Glenn T to Elders present
Robert (2C Cheryl)-yes, Susan-yes, John-yes, Jeania-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Old Business
Waccamaw Family Day
Alan: doing Low Country Boil
John T: games, tournament with prizes
Susan: can do a craft demo, but do not have enough materials to hold a class
2c Phil: propose to let her buy the materials now & bring receipts
John T: suggest buying items to display with signups for future classes
Susan: and create kits to sell
Jeania: can bring a karaoke machine
Susan: people have been invited to come out, possibly be on television
Rick: can we make it a work day too like the roof?
Susan: I’d make it voluntary
Cemetery Update
We’re not accepting the offer
Susan: another attorney told us to do a title search on the land
PW Concerns
Glenn C has sent the committee information on more drums to look over at the next PW committee meeting
Voting after the PW: some people cannot come to the Pauwau
Newsletter needs to go out for letters of intent
Did Glenn T get concrete on the grounds?
Elder Dan: he’s not here tonight
Rick: we have some
John T: we can try a 10x10 spot
To Chris H: is there any information on the sewer?
Chris H: need to know if it’s residential or commercial
If commercial, they may not finance it
Rick: will meter change get us over time?
Chris H: need to get more information
They only charge for water coming in
John: is residential considered one house, two houses, etc?
Chris H: it’s the tank size
New Business
Horse Ride: Larry J
Starting at Cedar Creek
Presented a flyer draft
A benefit to improve tribal land
Will present receipts once done
Special Needs Fishing Day 4/14: Elder Doug
First weekend of March & April: yard sale to raise money
Constitution: Rick
Old things shouldn’t apply; you’re starting from scratch
Dalton: amendments from the old constitution are meaningless now, but things that deal with the cemetery aren’t in there- it doesn’t go that level
Rick: constitution & proxy votes: it doesn’t say you can have more than one proxy vote
Dalton, Susan: it doesn’t say you can’t either
John, Dalton: the constitution doesn’t address it
John read the proxy section of the constitution aloud
John: we didn’t review the constitutional referendums while writing the constitution
Dalton we didn’t have access to all the referendums
Susan: you had access to most; it didn’t change much
Dalton: any referendum in conflict with the new constitution would be null & void
Susan: need a work day (during the day) to go over it
Dalton: referendums are different than resolutions
2C Phil: referendums usually go into more detail
Elder Dan: if it’s not written, why not have 4 proxies?
Dalton: my concern is you don’t agree with how it’s interpreted
Rick: no, it’s vague
Susan: one thing that is missing is that the Chief & CoC couldn’t be related
Dalton: because now they are both elected positions
Susan: it leads to the same situation
Dalton: but Chief didn’t have direct influence on the CoC position; you have to trust the electorate
Rick: with proxy: you don’t know why people are for or against something
Susan: if I give a proxy to someone, I let them know why; reason it’s important to have the agenda early
Rick: work day: 3/1 at 6pm: constitution workshop/ review referendums
Committee Reports
Arts & Crafts: 2C Phil
Need money
Susan: Chris H brought in items last month & needs app
Grants: Michelle
SCAC coming up: need updated biographies from our artists
Pauwau: Michelle
Susan & Dalton resigned from the committee, but still involved
Need Council to confirm Starla as a voting member
Susan-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeania-yes, Rick-yes
Starting PSA’s & ad-selling now
Looking for volunteers & older pictures
Chris H: can take some flyers to give out on the pauwau circuit
Glenn C: need to be at the Hoedown & Christmas events
Elder Doug: Ronnie F set up a tipi & we had a table on year
Drum: Rick
Alan: need to know when we’re going to start back up
Last Sun had a meet & greet with McGill
Trying to network and have a meet & greet with all gubernatorial candidates
Met with Chavez about a class action lawsuit on opioid lawsuit
If we lose, we owe nothing
If we win, we give them 40%
Want them to help us build a treatment facility for Natives
The people part of the trust would be overseers of money to plan it
Rick: statistic: in Marion County, 130 prescriptions for every 100 people
Susan: once it’s submitted, it’s too late for other tribes to sign on to it
2C Phil: if it goes through federal court, it could help with federal recognition
Elder Doug: would these be live-in facilities?
Susan: probably, yes
Elder Dan
6 tribes in Virginia were federally recognized
Dalton motioned to close the meeting; John seconded.
Meeting adjourned 8:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 2/21/18 at 11:53 pm.