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December 2018 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 10/5/2018 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s, Dalton, Jeania, and Robert present. CM John served as ACoC. Elders Doug, Ronnie,, Frank, and Becky present.

  2. October Summary

  3. John motioned to accept; Dalton seconded

  4. John-yes, Dalton-yes, Robert-yes, Jeania-yes, Susan (online)- yes

  5. Financial Report

  6. General Fund: $15,138.68

  7. Building Fund: $350.55

  8. Online Votes

  9. 10/13 Approve Mr. Clemons’ award & plaque

  10. Jeania-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes

  11. Old Business

  12. Cemetery Update

  13. Received the deed for the cemetery; it hasn’t been reviewed

  14. Constable Memberships: follow-up

  15. Starla: received the files for Eric Morgan & Joseph Carter

  16. New Business

  17. Receipts

  18. Gas: $68.87

  19. Jeania-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes

  20. Reimburse Glenn C for koozies, miscellaneous receipts: $491.15

  21. Jeania-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, John-yes

  22. Committee Reports

  23. Buildings & Grounds: Glenn C

  24. Work Day 12/8 canceled

  25. Once weather permits: electrical issues, pressure wash benches

  26. Mike G: ditch dug at second entrance, more work to do to drain water off

  27. Will send an email when next work day is coming up

  28. If you haven’t voted, I would like to be a write-in candidate

  29. John: can we more rapidly finish off parking issues by summer and work on other mobile home (store, guest house, etc); needs electrical and other work

  30. Starla: office needs major inside cleaning as well

  31. Pauwau: Dalton

  32. Looking for volunteers for 2019

  33. Send us stories and pictures for the program book now

  34. Starla: ads can be anything, not just businesses

  35. Elder Doug: Elders suggest giving out a weekend pass

  36. Volunteer Appreciation Dinner & Outbrief

  37. 12/9 at Golden Corral

  38. Go over what went right, wrong, suggestions, etc…

  39. Glenn C: Mike G arranged for free Whiteville parade

  40. Glenn, Starla, Mike, Matissa went

  41. Think we should be in every parade in Aynor & Conway

  42. Elder Becky: need more advance notice

  43. Drum

  44. Needs to be tightened up: both the drum & the group

  45. Elections

  46. John: ballots are supposed to be postmarked by 12/15

  47. 4 on the ballot & Glenn C , Alan F as write-in candidates for Council

  48. Can also write in other names in case a seat becomes vacant in the future

  49. In the future, would like to have it done by 10/15

  50. Could have the swearing-in ceremony at the Pauwau so people know who their Councilpersons are

  51. Dalton: if you have your ballot with you now, turn it in

  52. Elders

  53. Suggestion: charge a little more for a weekend pass

  54. Michelle: we will discuss it at the Outbrief or in January at the first meeting

  55. Events

  56. John T: Winter Solstice 12/22- sunrise, noon, closing

  57. Glenn C: drum played for cub scouts at elementary school; Carson danced

  58. Miscellaneous

  59. Mike G: flagpoles and lights fixed

  60. Starla: reminder: it is your responsibility to keep your ID up-to-date

Dalton motioned to close the meeting; Robert seconded.

Meeting adjourned 7:0o pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 1/5/18 at 11:28 pm.

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