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January 2010 Open Meeting Summary 01082010

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 1/8/2010 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor

  1. CoC Scott Beaver presented Certificate of Appreciation to Linda Atkinson for work on PauWau

  2. December Meeting Summary read

  3. Motion to accept the summary made by Neal; second by Dalton

  4. Neal-yes, Dalton- yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Jeanie-yes, Scott-yes

  5. Minutes accepted by majority

  6. Financial Reports

  7. Donations: Scott (from Jerry)

  8. December: $321

  9. 2009: $7576

  10. Iris

  11. 2009 cash on-hand: $9989.53

  12. Income including School Day and PauWau: $38, 817.80

  13. Expense including School Day and PauWau: $36,119.54

  14. 2009 Net Income: $2698.26

  15. Still outstanding grants

  16. Includes checks for attorney

  17. Committee Reports

  18. Grants: Michelle

  19. SCAC

  20. Final Report sent in

  21. Due to budget cuts, we could receive less than initial grant amount

  22. Contact legislators to help keep arts budget in SC up

  23. Pepsi Refresh Grant

  24. Accepts 1000 ideas per month

  25. $5k-250k rewards

  26. 6 categories

  27. Should be community-centered

  28. Arts & Crafts: Iris

  29. Last meeting cancelled due to office painting; not rescheduled

  30. Council needs to see something

  31. PauWau: Linda

  32. Had debriefing at Ryan’s

  33. Need to pick someone for PauWau 2010

  34. Linda will do again if committee chooses

  35. Buster & Susan did a great job for school days

  36. TV13 ad $200 approved by PauWau committee

  37. Neal-yes, Dalton- yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Jeanie-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  38. Passed unanimously

  39. PauWau 09 closed

  40. Building & Grounds: Neal

  41. Office trailer painted by Deborah & Charles Creech

  42. 12 attended work day

  43. 1/9- plan to load hay bales to field and burn but will need help

  44. Idea to make office bigger is to get a small double-wide instead of building on to this one

  45. Iris ready to get office set back up to work

  46. Online Votes

  47. Help Buster go to DC

  48. Susan- judge diesel and camping importance

  49. Buster appreciates it, but not necessary

  50. Homer originally said diesel, camping, and meals

  51. Give Buster $500 for DC trip

  52. Motion by Homer; second by Richia

  53. Neal-yes, Dalton- yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Jeanie-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  54. Passed unanimously

  55. Membership Files

  56. Kenlynn Sports

  57. Neal-yes, Dalton- yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Jeanie-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  58. Passed unanimously

  59. Teresa Cartwright

  60. Neal-yes, Dalton- yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Jeanie-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  61. Passed unanimously

  62. Linda Moore Barber (S)

  63. Neal-yes, Dalton- yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Jeanie-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  64. Passed unanimously

  65. Jerry Wayne Barber

  66. Neal-yes, Dalton- yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Jeanie-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  67. Passed unanimously

  68. Deva-Marie Barber

  69. File missing photo and agreement

  70. Tabled

  71. Adrian Jacobs (S)

  72. Neal-yes, Dalton- yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  73. Passed by majority

  74. Checklist for applications to be worked on by Susan, Iris, and Linda

  75. Letters of Intent- 3 Council, 1 Chief position

  76. Census 2010: Max Biggs (Florence Regional Office), Ms. Ramos (Sun News)

  77. SC up for Congressional seat

  78. Phone number & race are the most intrusive questions

  79. Statistical data turned over

  80. Hiring 2,000 from Florence Regional Office

  81. Age 18+, tested and passed, background check

  82. For every 1% who do not respond to the Census, government loses $80-90M

  83. April 1 Census Day

  84. American Community Survey does income now

  85. 2nd Chief Iris Ewing

  86. Would like to sponsor Charles Creech for adopted membership

  87. Buster wants to sign-in on this

  88. Jeanie was not present for this, so tabled for the moment

  89. Thank you card from Susan Mack for help we gave her

  90. Ready to get office organized

  91. PC motherboard burned up; Doug said too old to repair

  92. Would like Council to approve limit of $600 for PC

  93. Richia & Iris to make a trip to Costco and relay information to Council for vote

  94. Fireproof cabinets

  95. Limit of $370

  96. Motion by Dalton; second by Neal

  97. Neal-yes, Dalton- yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  98. Passed by majority

  99. Filing Cabinets to be painted black

  100. Neal to paint and sanitize

  101. Neal will need reimbursement on paint depending on price

  102. Richia- Can we scan files and do away with paperwork?

  103. Neal and Craig

  104. Sweat lodge

  105. Spring Bank Retreat

  106. Dot will run sweat lodge for tribe until we have someone certified

  107. Provided link of Fort Jackson

  108. Robert to get up with Craig and Neal

  109. Resolution SB-01-08-001-2010 Submission of Tribal Roll for Federal Petition

  110. Chief Buster Hatcher

  111. Interstate is moving Donnie’s trailer

  112. No offer yet; prefer living quarters

  113. We can move trailer and be reimbursed up to a certain point

  114. Associate Judge David Windburn presented Chief Hatcher with WIP car tag and the tribal office with SC Summary Court Judges Association logos

  115. Intend to put together Waccamaw Police Force

  116. Big copying machine needs repairs

  117. Need 3 Judge’s robes

  118. Judge Bernie Hamilton needs small PC

  119. Resolution HH-01-08-001-2010 Exception to Rule

  120. Neal-yes, Dalton- yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  121. Passed by majority

  122. Linda

  123. Needs okay to get files to work on recognition

  124. Motion by Neal; second by Robert

  125. Neal-yes, Dalton- yes, Richia-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Scott-yes

  126. Passed by majority

Homer motioned for the meeting to end; Neal seconded.

Meeting adjourned 9:49 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 1/19/10 at 2:19pm.

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