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July 2012 Open Meeting Summary 07132012

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 07/13/2012 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

1. CoC Scott, CM's Susan, Neal, Homer, Robert, and Dalton present.

2. June minutes read

a. Neal motioned to accept; Dalton seconded

1. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

3. Financial Report: Michelle

a. General Fund: $6213.72

b. Building Fund: $457.76

1. Doesn't include last check for plywood

4. Online Votes

a. 6/15 T-Card Extension for tribal member

1. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

b. 6/28 Extension for tribal member & family

1. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

5. Committee Reports

a. Grants: Michelle

1. SCAC closed until after House & Senate votes on 7/17-18

b. Arts & Crafts: Susan

1. Choker: Susan Ruby to make; Deborah & Charles Creech to send supplies

2. Talking about making videos on how to make items

c. Buildings & Grounds: Neal

1. Want to replace molding with whiteboard in front of it (where old A/C was)

2. Need office space, roof to be fixed, outdoor siding

3. Need a weed eater

a. Dalton motioned; Susan seconded to spend up to $250 for one

1. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

d. Pauwau: Michelle

1. Ads sold will pay for program book

2. Budget presented to Council for 2012: $11,876

a. Susan motioned; Dalton seconded

1. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

6. Membership Files

a. Eric Siratt

1. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

b. Linda Hammond

1. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

7. Susan

a. Tribal Office Key Registry: every person with key needs to sign

b. Constitutional Changes: Work Day 7/14 @ 2pm

c. Letters of Intent need to go to tribal office if you wish to run for office

d. Newsletter: would like to send hardcopies because of election for 3 months

1. Dalton motioned; Homer seconded

a. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

e. Would like to get phone and internet access here

8. Donnie's fuel receipt: $117.77 Check 1440

a. Susan: question: why does it have to use premium gas?

1. Donnie: it can burn up if you use other gas

b. Neal motioned; Homer seconded

c. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

9. Susan's feather receipt: $35.00 check 1441

a. Dalton motioned; Robert seconded

b. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

10. 2nd Chief Iris

a. Project about membership procedures

1. Invalid addresses on file

2. Expired numbers on file

3. Members with no photo on file

b. Would like to establish an inactive status, move them there with time limit

1. Susan: Can put list of names in newsletter to see if that gets their attention

2. Neal motioned; Dalton seconded to establish an inactive status

a. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

c. time limit of 12 months before their number is retired

1. Dalton motioned

d. Proposal to include clause for people who have been on list for more than 2 years

1. Cheryl: way to connect them to another member?

e. Applications: new applications with business tracking- use from this point forward

1. Susan motioned; Robert seconded

2. Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Homer-yes, Neal-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes

f. Mark Mitchell: spousal file- he joined, resigned, reapplied

1. wife's file never processed- grandfather file in if Susan can get picture

2. Dalton: get right information first

g. Robert Hatcher: spousal file never processed and no picture

1. Dalton: get right information first

h. Found files that grandparents submitted applications for grandchildren & they aren't the guardian

1. By law, cannot enter agreement with the child

i. Supplies: printer ink, large envelopes

11. 2nd Chief Cheryl

a. Court at 10am @ Conway City Hall: take stairs at Main Street entrance

b. Court yesterday over cemetery case

12. Chief Hatcher

a. New application will clear up issues

b. Framed letters & feathers given out; some may come next month

c. Funders say possible funding coming our way

d. Rep. Tim Scott's Office: Eagle Feathers

1. Sent him an email: our petition for him to sign about federal recognition

e. Eagle Feathers

1. Can have permits now; people are trying to change the law so only federal can do it

f. Federal tribes are trying to do away with state recognition

1. NCAI trying to do away with us inside NCAI because we aren't federally recognized

g. 8/18- TN: Coalition to defend state recognition

13. Susan


1. site currently under construction

2. social site to sell items

3. presentation next month

14. Chief Hatcher

a. CMA Advisory Committee: Native American in Charge: Gene Norris

1. get bones back in 2014

2. Propose that states have to call us when remains are found

15. Homer: what is the status of Senator Elliott?

a. Chief Hatcher: back at work, but weak

1. regards to bonnet: one like mine: can't find, may have to make

a. Trailer bonnet isn't traditional, but Sen. Elliott just wants one for his wall

2. Have presentation and invite people

Dalton motioned to close the meeting; Neal seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:28 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 7/30/12 at 5:54 54pm.

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