July 2014 Open Meeting Summary 07112014
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 7/11/2014 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CoC Scott, CM’s Dalton, Susan, John, Robert, and Rick present.
June Minutes read
Dalton: 5(b)(i)(2)(a) should not include Rick as a voting member yet
Dalton motioned to accept with change; Rick seconded
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Financial Report: Alan
General Fund
Deposits: $1347.77 Debits: $1549.55 Balance: $13,032.17
Chief Hatcher: a deposit & withdrawal for $1000 for TN trip included; $98 left, receipts included
Building Fund
Deposits: $25.00 Debits: $0.00 Balance: $1075.00
Online Votes
6/14 Purchase tractor parts
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
6/14 Purchase & install 2 tractor tires
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
6/19 Make trip to TN (not used)
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
6/30 $500 to pay taxes on TN land (turned out to be $232, look over receipts)
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Old Business
Membership Files
Dorinda Ammons
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Justin Ammons
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Jessica Hudnall
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Harley Smith
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Jonathan Hudnall
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Inactive Membership List
Dalton motioned to remove ID’s #448-452 on Monthly Report Query dated 7/11/2014
2nd Chief Iris
Question about spousal/ associate members being required to use tribal court, but can’t constitutionally
Dalton & Chief Hatcher: need to revise membership agreement
John: If associate members came to tribal court, wouldn’t that make Chief part of judicial system?
Chief Hatcher: If someone doesn’t conduct themselves properly, we should ask them to leave; not part of judicial system
2nd Chief Iris: Council needs to create a resolution
2nd Chief Cheryl: why wouldn’t they go before 2nd Chief Judicial?
Dalton: that’s how Chief wants to handle it
Chief Hatcher: that will work
2nd Chief Cheryl: Or Council as jury, 2nd Chief Judicial to hear case
Chief Hatcher: that will work
Children: we have to do something for them; get them involved
Can’t B&G do something with trailer for the kids?
Chief Hatcher: what good does it do if they are playing games over there and a meeting is going on here from a cultural aspect?
2nd Chief Iris: groom them; games, camping trips
Darlene W: have to have a mix of fun & cultural
Jeania K: would love to bring kids here, not sure younger ones would sit still long enough though
2nd Chief Iris: two people (Jessica & Hayes) willing to take over youth group
Rick: let them watch a video about culture during the meeting
Chief Hatcher: put electric, air, bathroom there now
John: still don’t think we need toys
John to work on it with Rick & present costs to Council
John: need someone with carpentry skills
Committee Reports
Arts & Crafts: Susan
Dalton motioned; Robert seconded for Chief Hatcher to be on committee
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-abstain, Scott-yes
Darlene White
Robert-yes, Chief Hatcher-yes, Susan-yes, 2nd Chief Iris-yes
2nd Chief Phil White
Robert-yes, Chief Hatcher-yes, Susan-yes, 2nd Chief Iris-yes
Neal Richard
Robert-yes, Chief Hatcher-yes, Susan-yes, 2nd Chief Iris-yes
Congratulations to new artists
Chief Hatcher resigned from committee
2nd Chief Iris asked to schedule a meeting
Chief Hatcher suggested nominating voting members/ Robert seconded
2nd Chief Phil, Neal nominated as voting members
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Now 6 members as voting members
Grants: Michelle
Section 184 Grant for Home Repairs
Housing Trust Fund 10/1
Through state; have to meet criteria
No interim draws, only final payment
Rebuilding Together for cosmetic home repairs
Buildings & Grounds: John
Thank you to Donnie, Richard T, Wayne T, Rick
Cemetery Fund: $410
Solstice: discussed making it more vendor-friendly as far as spacing
Get away from spending money on all electrical outlets
Move them behind tents to avoid tripping
5-6 RV spots for food court at front of grounds
200 amp box; 30 amp per site & water
Spread them out, more than 22ft requested
No RV’s in that area
Susan: you’re still going to have a problem with congestion (and described spacing between dance circle and vendor circle)
Chief Hatcher: too late to do this year; land has to heal
Susan: Can food vendors see Pauwau from spot you want to put them?
Dalton: separate the two issues out
2nd Chief Cheryl: power, space
John: aside, if want to do a living village, dance circle is in wrong place
John motioned to allot money for 6 RV spots; Dalton seconded
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Spring Trimmer Receipt: $390.48
Neal & Wayne went through nature walk; want to reinstitute it
Perhaps scouts could help
Working on leveling & cool seal
Pond fence: take down or revamp
2nd Chief Cheryl: teenage boys would like to go fishing
Scott: before Pauwau?
John: after
Rick motioned to take down the fence, cut trees, revamp area after Pauwau; Susan seconded
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Pauwau: Susan
Had meeting on 7/9/2014
Hotel price is $53 this year; possibly next as well
Hog Heaven fund raiser: $750
Money to be used for 2 billboards
Billboards: information sent to Lamar
Rivertalk: Mon. @ 11:30, also a couple before Pauwau
Debbie B brought up curbing Waccamaw Bucks to raffle & dues
John: some people do so much work for Waccamaw Bucks, but get so little of them, after awhile they aren’t useful
Scott: would rather them pay dues than win a $500 raffle
Rick: after someone has volunteered for so much, why does he have to pay a gate fee?
Chief Hatcher: we have to make money at Pauwau to pay people (MC’s, lead dancers, drum, etc…)
Darlene W: make them non-transferable/ sole-use only
Alan F: keep list throughout year of who works
Michelle: all volunteer forms are supposed to be turned in to me
Susan: Waccamaw Bucks help people who can’t come up with money to pay dues
Dalton motioned to restrict Waccamaw Bucks to raffle/ dues; all volunteers to get a personal gate pass
Chief Hatcher: not that simple- not everyone knows who volunteers
Ahead of timeline
Deadline for ads & Program Book articles is 8/15
Darlene W asked about an “In Memory” page
Susan: cost is $25; anyone can do them
Mark A: would like to see different recipes
Michelle: send them to us
Fuel Receipt: $81.14 Check 593
Dalton motioned; Rick seconded
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Chief Hatcher’s TN receipts looked over and accepted
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Aynor Hoe Down volunteers: John & Rick
John motioned to spend $60 on Hoe Down fee; Dalton seconded
Rick-yes, Robert-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Dalton-yes, Scott-yes
Michelle to fill out and send form in
Note: Done on 7/14/14
2nd Chiefs
Cheryl: safe room: FEMA gives them to the state; still looking into it
Possible alternate safe location in event of hurricane
Not sure because we aren’t here at office all the time
John: would it help as tribe since we have mobile homes; give tribal members a safer location?
Darlene W: gone through all FEMA classes; not likely tribe will get it because there is a school a mile away
Chief Hatcher
To Mark A: good suggestion on program book
We have & approved 2 master genealogy charts (James Hatcher, John Dimery)
Will be required to have 80% core members when law changes
2nd Chief Iris: will have percentages next month
Need to see birth certificates/ census report in all files
Rep Rutherford: proposal for SC gaming to everyone
Request him to tailor it to only state recognized Indian tribes
Add sewer/ septic project to monthly agenda
4/4 vote was to begin with pump
Drum briefing by Rick Hudnall
2nd Chief Phil asked about who would teach, where, etc…
TN property: 2 thank you letters framed, signed by everyone for them
Neal: If I were in TN, can I go hunt, fish, etc… there?
Susan: don’t know about hunt, up to Council
He’d like $5/ day for electric though
Susan: Chief Norris said it would be good spot for retreat, sweat lodge
Pauwau 9/20: Santee
Dalton motioned to close the meeting; Susan seconded.
Meeting adjourned 9:25 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 7/30/14 at 11:51 pm.