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March 2015 Open Meeting Summary 03062015

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 3/6/2015 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s Susan, Homer, Robert, John, Rick, and aCoC Dalton present.

  2. February minutes read.

  3. Homer motioned to accept; Rick seconded

  4. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

  5. Financial Report: Lori

  6. Building Fund: $5662.65

  7. Susan: return check: money was there, but bank had changed names; money is coming back

  8. General Fund: $7895.17

  9. Old Business

  10. Trademark of Tribal Logo: Susan

  11. Nothing yet

  12. Chief Hatcher: do poor man’s copyright in meantime

  13. 2nd Chief Phil: mail it to yourself too

b. John Turner: brought to my attention that deceased voted in the last election and those votes were discarded. Why wasn’t it brought it to Council?

1. Chief Hatcher: any specifics?

a. John: no

1. Chief Hatcher: they need to come forward

a. Rick: in his defense, I heard it as well

b. John: are there people that were there that heard it?

1. Steve O: we went by policy and notarized it

c. Chief Hatcher: anyone can make an insufficient charge; we have the right to confront to our accusers

2. John: so I can’t bring it up?

a. 2nd Chief Phil: you can’t bring up just the accusation; you have to bring the evidence. It’s already in the rules to make a complaint

3. Susan: if this person was there and saw it, and these guys (Elders & Steve) say it didn’t happen, I have to believe these guys

c. Membership Application: Chris Hatcher

1. Dalton/ Chief Hatcher: open the tribal roll book for this file only

a. John motioned; Homer seconded

1. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

2. John: Chris helps us out on a lot of projects

3. Dalton has a picture of Chris on his phone and will email it to Jeania

4. Vote on file: Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

d. Resolution DH-01-09-2015-001: Waccamaw Bucks Elimination: 3rd Reading

1. Robert motioned; Rick seconded

2. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

5. New Business

a. Committee Reports

1. Arts & Crafts: 2nd Chief Phil

a. Brittany Taylor at Lancaster Museum- looks like 800ft display

b. Need more artisans

c. Made bone needles

d. Any decision on buildings?

1. Jeania: Todd looked at the mobile home: to repair it- $226

2. John: concern: not sure Todd went up on roof, but gaps on roof

3. Rick: fear is that $200 project turns into $2000 project fast

e Rick: can get a 40x60 building for $6000

1. Susan: as long as we don’t get rid of this office

f. Rick: can we agree to a cap?

1. Rick motioned to put a cap of $500 from the general fund on this project; Susan seconded

a. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

b. Homer: what are you going to do about the heat and air?

d. Jeania: 14x60 kits for $355

2. Susan motioned to spend up to $500 to make repairs so they can begin arts & crafts classes; Rick seconded

a. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

g. Chief Hatcher: I did tell Jeanie that she had 30 days; she has a couple days left

2. Grants: Michelle

a. SCAC: 3/15

b. Youth grants: 3/12

c. Arts $ Crafts: 4/9

d. Chief Hatcher: Lowe’s: Ms. Pomodore said she couldn’t provide a lot of the materials we asked for- just $100

1. Filed 2 grants and will file another 3/28

2. USAA grant: $2ooo filed for a week and a half ago

3. Buildings & Grounds: John

a. Voting Members: unsure of numbers; gave list

1. Need to confirm Richard Turner as a voting member

a. John motioned; Rick seconded

b. Homer-yes, John-abstain Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

b. control of money: $500 for emergency situations

c. last meeting- re-evaluated RV sites

1. Propose last 4 sites are 20/30/50 amps

a. Susan: so we’re going form 8 spots to 10?

2. All spots as 50amps: $4584 v. 4 spots as 50amps: $3611+ shipping

a. Elder Doug: don’t forget Lowe’s gives discount to veterans

3. Dalton: what is the biggest priority?

a. John: the RV project

1. Dalton: before the roof?

2. Susan: before the grounds?

3. Chief Hatcher: why can’t we run 2x8 across the roof and run tin?

4. Dalton: is the roof a bigger priority that the RV spots?

a. Robert: yes

5. Susan: How long will the RV project take once you have the materials?

a. John: 2 days

6. Chief Hatcher: I’d do grounds ASAP; we have outstanding grants

7. Susan motioned to begin work on the RV spots; Robert seconded

a. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

8. Chief: roof is the 2nd priority

d. $421 from previous budget

e. $370.08 in cemetery fund

f. Fundraisers

1. Planting crops: pumpkins, gourds

a. Need permission to plant in back 40

b. Elder Doug: did you consider organic tobacco?

1. Jeania: or truffles?

c. Let people pick their own pumpkins, buy coffee & drinks

d. John motioned to plant crops in the back corner of the grounds; Rick seconded

1. Larry J: have to do something about the beavers; they are the reason the ground is flooded

2. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

2. Turkey shoot in the fall

3. Archery: $15

4. Fishing tournament: people with disabilities

a. Candy Norris

1. Probably 10 people at a time for 30 minutes

2. May 2 or 23

3. Contact McDonald’s or Santino’s for free food

b. Doug & Jewell will help & pledged $225

4. Pauwau: Michelle

a. Rough draft of our policy book has been started

b. Began looking at budget to make adjustments

1. Pest Control has been removed from our budget; Buildings & Grounds will need to account for it in theirs

a. Buildings & Grounds will need to purchase the materials for spraying the grounds or contract someone to do it

c. Fundraiser: Hog Heaven

d. Meals: going back to meal tickets; seemed to work best

5. Sewer Project: Chief Hatcher/ Mark

a. Waiting on funding

6. Drum: Rick

a. Waiting on participation

7. Constitution: Dalton

a. John: couldn’t open it (article 6)

b. Chief Hatcher

1. Pauwau: would like to propose that we move family day to pauwau- more people to help setup, cook, eat, enjoy; Rick seconded

a. Susan: just think putting Family Day on a work day… we’re supposed to be celebrating getting recognized

1. Susan suggested trying it for 1 year

b. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

2. ANA funds a lot of tribes; wants Chief to read for them

a. will file for another grant there; could take a year to get

3. TechSoup: provides software & assistance to nonprofits

a. Example: Quickbooks: $25 for 5 copies for Apple

4. Pauwau Raffle: dance raffle is not a raffle by Secretary of State definitions

a. Raffles require a $50 permit each year and a big report

1. $265 from craft raffle doesn’t justify a big report (in Chief’s opinion)

5. Surplus Supplies

a. not approved yet: 2nd Chief Phil is contact person since he is in that area

b. provides laptops

6. Letters to Rep. Tom Rice

a. Please write him in your own words

b. Want change in CFR without going through BIA

7. Written 9 construction companies for dirt & made Donnie the contact person

a. DoT says they will be dumping dirt

1. Put red flags where we want dirt

b. beavers: put drainpipe in

c. Chris: asphalt millings/ recycled asphalt: will check into it

d. Check into ditch to see if it can be filled up

8. Pauwaus

a. Hardeeville

b. Edisto: May

9. Remove restriction on firearms to get rid of beavers

a. Rick motioned; Susan seconded

b. Homer-yes, John-yes, Susan-yes, Robert-yes, Rick-yes, Dalton-yes

10. Homer request a Leave of Absence next month

Homer motioned to close the meeting; John seconded.

Meeting adjourned 8:51 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 3/31/15 at 2:04 pm.

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