August 2016 Open Meeting Summary 08052016
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 08/05/2016 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CM’s Dalton, Mark, Homer, Robert, Susan, and Rick present.
Chief Hatcher appointed John T to Council and swore him in to office
Mark: flag given to the tribe & Chief Hatcher, donated by Ms. Dori
Council retired to Executive Session and returned to open meeting
Dalton read Jeania’s emails concerning files and ID cards, as requested
June minutes read
Mark motioned to accept; Susan seconded
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John-abstain, Rick-yes
Financial Report
General Fund: $10,073.76
Building Fund: $4,431.33
Online Votes
6/9 Accept HTC DSL Proposal
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes
6/12 Port-a-potties for LW5
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes
6/12 Allow camping on grounds by LW5 participants
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes
6/20 Fix septic tank: $525
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes
6/23 Pumpkin Patch Budget: $300
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes
7/20 Hold off sending new constitution
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes
Old Business
Cemetery Encroachment: 2nd Chief Cheryl
Need an attorney; nothing happened in probate
Long process; it could take years to resolve
Chief Hatcher: still think we should write a letter to the judge
Looks like a boundary dispute, our 2 acres wasn’t clearly laid out on the map
Recommend giving Mr. James the piece of land he’s on
John T: need to stake out 2 acres that are ours and get him to agree to it
Larry: dogs run loose, bite my son, defecate on the property
Chief Hatcher: if it’s not our land, it’s not Council business, it’s external.
Cemetery Trustees Update
Elder Dan: paperwork not available yet
New Business
Dalton: Inactive list was sent by email
Motion to table till Sept meeting; Susan seconded
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes
Rick: Fuel Tank (Diesel): company brings fuel out here & at cheaper price than the gas station
2nd Chief Phil: don’t fill it all the way up though
Rick: asking for budget of $300 for tank and fuel (100gals)
John: motion to set aside up to $300 for tank & pump; Robert seconded
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes
To come from Building Fund
Committee Reports
Arts & Crafts: Susan
Brookgreen: need volunteers to help build suk; they will help us build ours once theirs is in place
Probably take 1 day to cut willows and put up
Covering half of it
Grants: Michelle
SCAC: $1000
Chief Hatcher: Horry County Council decided not to give us accommodation tax grant
Pauwau: Michelle
Working on ads and PSA’s
We discussed Craig Talbot and his behavior at last year’s pauwau (blessing circle, smudging people, etc)
The committee decided to ban him from the Pauwau & ask that Council consider banning him from all WIP events
Susan motioned to ban Craig Talbot from all WIP activities; Dalton seconded
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes
Chief Hatcher to send letter to notify him
Constitution: Dalton
Concerns of core v non-core
Current constitution, 2 positions require you to be core
Proposed constitution, 2 positions require you to be core
Before the proposed constitution, there have been plenty of non-core CoC
With the proposed constitution, the CoC steps into the Chief position & both are elected positions
John: reason for the change is 2nd Chief isn’t an elected position, not a popular vote
Elder Hank: 2 different areas of government; concern that the same thing as before will happen again
Dalton: need to figure out if any position needs to be core. If not, it’s no different structurally; otherwise, you have to make sure the next position is core
Chief Hatcher: Sticking with Chief position for moment, Chief has to be core; it doesn’t make sense to have someone with no ties to the tribe running it; not in favor of CoC being core. The first 2nd Chief has to be core and take over Chief position (like a VP)
Dalton: the logic for that would be Speaker of House (take over VP spot)- CoC
Rick: don’t think you need to be any nationality to run for office
2nd Chief Phil: understand Dalton’s point; I feel like I’m always having to prove I’m Native American, despite being Waccamaw, Cherokee, probably Catawba
Chief Hatcher: would like to see CoC as elected position
John: also know lots of core who don’t have a vested interest; could vet them
Dalton: no; they have to be elected
John: approve them to be elected
Dalton: there needs to be a separation of powers
Rick: problem with core thing is that it limits leadership
John: general populous should have right to vote for non-core
Rick: what if non-core member has been an asset for 20years? What makes you think they will turn?
Susan: tribe based on Dimery settlement. Why would we want an outsider to be the leader?
John: you want the best person capable of leading the tribe to lead the tribe
Elder Hank: still think Chief should be able to appoint 2nd Chiefs
Elder Dan: if he’s (non-core) on the ballot, what happens?
Dalton: he can be on the ballot for Council, just not CoC
Chief Hatcher: how many think Chief should be core? Non-core?
Motion based on audience & vote require Chief to be descendant of Dimery settlement; Susan seconded
Dalton-abstain, Homer-yes, Robert-abstain, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John-no, Rick-no
Chief hatcher: how many think core CoC should take Chief spot should he get ill, quit, etc?
Motion that first 2nd Chief take over should Chief get ill, quit, etc; Susan seconded
Dalton: for that purpose, have Chief announce his Vice Chief up front
Vice Chief and two 2nd Chiefs appointed (instead of 3)
Motion that Chief and first 2nd Chief run as a team; Mark seconded
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, John-yes
Chief Hatcher: now anyone can run as CoC
Elder Doug: don’t changes have to be ratified?
John: don’t we have to delineate the line of succession?
Dalton: yes
Chief Hatcher: now CoC should be Chief pro-tem should something happen till next election
Motion for line of succession: Chief- Vice Chief- CoC; Rick seconded
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, Rick-yes, John-yes
Buildings & Grounds: Larry
New locks and extra keys
John: crosses made?
Larry: yes
John: electrical sites at circle need total power
Rick: power company says things are good
John: Cemetery Fund: $531
Dalton: can we get B&G to price gravel for the parking lot?
Mark: if we put it out now, it will sink; do dirt first
Larry: we could dig another pond and use that dirt
Mark: know someone with heavy equipment
Drum: Rick
At a standstill
Member Files
Mark: if an application is denied, do we send them a letter?
Susan: check with Jeania
Susan: started going through files with John Abrams
Lots don’t have membership agreements
1-281 do not have a place for member to sign on the application
4 different application types with revisions
Parents voter registration cards in children’s files
Outdated children’s files
Spousal apps in member files
Irregularities: Council signed off, but different numbers put in the vote tally
Duplicate apps
Propose tossing unnecessary duplicate applications or mail them back to member; Dalton seconded
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John, Rick-yes
Propose sending a letter to member requesting missing items with a 45-90-day return period
John: like the membership agreement
Dalton: give them a date, not just 90 days
Susan: will write the letter and submit it Council for changes
Dalton: if they don’t send missing items in, kick them out
Suggest attaching renewal fees and 1 year ID card to it
ID: anyone 65+, government 12+ years, donated $1000+, special needs are exempt
Chief Hatcher: need to be careful about different types of apps; grandfather the current ones
Membership Files
Jonathan Hudnall (child member turned 18)
Darin Sutton (membership agreement added to file)
Larry Jernigan (update to full); Mark suggested
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes
Trevor Sievers (child member turned 18, ID 581)
Shane Sutton (Honorary, pending picture)
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes
Marion Craddock Jr: Mark motioned; Susan seconded
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes
Daniel Jake Craddock: Mark motioned; Susan seconded
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes
Marion Craddock III: Mark motioned; Susan seconded
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes
Susan: Census 2020: interviews in Columbia pay $40; flyers at office and on FB site
2nd Chief Cheryl
Online Horry County Cemetery Database: highlighted area around here; 2010 tribal statistical area
Fuel: $39.85 Check 692
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes
Reimburse Susan for LW5: $149.38 Check 531
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes
Tractor repair: $103.20 Check 1056
Dalton-yes, Homer-yes, Robert-yes, Susan-yes, Mark-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes
Chief Hatcher
Census Records help with federal recognition
Introduced Dr. Wendy Trott
Dr. Wendy: first wanted to know what federal recognition was; it’s not just proving you are Native
Branch of acknowledgement transferred out of the BIA
7 criteria for recognition; draft version posted on 8/1/16
Archaeology and Anthropology
UNC Chapel Hill
1600 map natives in NC to Georgetown
1715, maps show 300 natives in Georgetown
1770, maps show 100 natives in Georgetown
Craven County, Kingstown, Winyah, Horry depending on time period
1870 Natives & Chinese added to the census
2010 Census started showing tribal affiliations
Rick: thank you to Susan & Chief for work with LW5, Richard for grill, Wayne & family for work with pond & pumpkin patch planters
Susan: tribal website currently down; we’re working on new one
Chief Hatcher
LW5 certificates given out to: Susan, Alan, Rick, Robert, Cheryl
Mark motioned to close the meeting; Homer seconded.
Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 08/31/16 at 11:15 am.