December 2016 Open Meeting Summary
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 12/2/2016 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC
CM’s Dalton, John, Robert, and CoC Rick present. 2nd Chief Cheryl served as a proxy for Susan and Mark.
Alan F: CMA meeting/ jobs education meeting
You can get certified if you own your own business
Will have a scholarship guide in mid-Jan
GED program for those interested
2nd Chief Cheryl: do they work with the Small Business Association?
Alan: unsure
October minutes read
No quorum
John T: motions that minutes are read & voted online ahead of time; Rick seconded
2nd Chief Cheryl (Susan)-yes, 2nd Chief Cheryl (Mark)-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Financial Report
General Fund: $18,236.85
Building Fund: $4449.30
John T: Cemetery Fund: $541.28
Old Business
Cemetery Encroachment: 2nd Chief Cheryl
Hearing contested by Mr. James’ attorney; says tribe is a corporation; may have to go to municipal court
John T: can trustee not file on behalf of the cemetery as an individual?
2nd Chief Cheryl: yes, not just one, but all of them
Investor Proposal by John T
Each $1000 invested, you would reap reward
It could be a big gamble
Numbers in proposal are arbitrary right now
Terms of repayment can be dictated
Could do the same for the parking project
Elder Doug: why can’t you put separate business in name of WIP and let it draw interest?
John T: most of us can’t run businesses
Elder Doug: federal recognition has been a 25year deal; need enough money to get it
Rick: any outside investors?
John T: may not have as many legal ramifications with tribal members
Dalton: good idea; think amounts should be smaller to make it accessible
Alan: concern that outside investors could try to take over
Dalton: make shares nontransferable; share of profits- make it their share of distribution+1
2nd Chief Cheryl: why not beneficial?
Dalton: don’t want to be paying them out for years from now
Elder Doug: agreement could be a %, but it has to be attractive
New Business
Committee Reports
Arts & Crafts: 2nd Chief Cheryl (Susan)
12/10 Class to create chokers: @2pm: $35/ person, includes supplies
Suk at Brookgreen: thanks to Susan, Marion, Rick, Cheryl
Grants: Michelle
Finalizing SCAC paperwork
Looking at possible ANA Grants
2nd Chief Cheryl: look into USDA Rural Development for funding
Pauwau: Michelle
Outbrief Volunteer Dinner held 11/12; thanks to all who attended
Demographics Sheets worked well for first time, though need relocation on grounds
2nd Chief Cheryl: used data from sheets to create Sample Segmentation Sheet to give a better visual idea of where people are coming from and what ages they are
Meeting: 2nd Thursday in Jan at tribal office at 6pm
Volunteer signup sheets on office table, can also let someone on committee know
Buildings & Grounds: Rick
Larry J resigned as Chair; committee nominated Neal R
Thanks to Larry J for his hard work
John T: electric?
Rick: working on getting it up to code and raising the dance circle
John T: move the circle?
Was the backhoe/ dump truck looked into?
Neal R: place off Hwy 905 has heavy-duty equipment
Track hoe: deliver and use for 1 week: $1800
John T: increasing outlets to 30
Rick: yes, and food vendors with electric boxes too
2nd Chief Cheryl: what about cement?
Rick: circle needs to be elevated first
John T: sounded like the whole grounds, but at least the RV spots
Rick: do we have a contact with GSW&S for sod?
Elder Dan: Chris
Drum: Rick
Alan: 2nd Chief Phil has built a stand
Parking Lot & Shuttle: John T
Talked to Ray & will talk to cycle places to check for interest
Looking at Feb 1 start date
Rick: check into Hogowner’s Association
Fuel Receipts
Fuel: $28.00 Check 557
2nd Chief Cheryl (Susan)-yes, 2nd Chief Cheryl (Mark)-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Membership: Jeania
Robyn Deerchaser inquired about her & her two children’s memberships
She sent us a letter (shown) signed by her and her children that resigned their memberships
Alan: she also joined Pee Dee tribe
Dalton: she would have to reapply, but now under Chief control
Under Review List
Offer them a second chance and allow them to appeal (for $25 fee)
Old and new honorary membership types explained
John T: motion being accepted as a full member requires 1 year’s fees paid
Dalton: would make it a policy letter or resolution because Susan is doing a drop dead date on files & I would encourage an annual ID card
2nd Chief Cheryl: would do 2 or 4 year
John T: pre or post-pay?
Dalton: either is fine
John: rescind my motion
Dalton, Susan to work on resolution
Rick: how difficult is it to send out a letter 2 months before cards expire?
Rick: do we start everyone at the same time with same date?
Elder Dan: how many are paying now?
Michelle: some are
Rick: suggest starting in Jan and renew on DoB
Michelle: current resolution starts in August each year; would need to be rewritten or folded into another resolution
File Sign-Out Form: to remove files, scan to pc, return when done
Came in handy at Pauwau
Retired & Denial letters created
Maybe a Request of Address Change too
Inactive List: 8 names
Rick: does anyone know the people on the list?
Richard T to talk to brother in-law and get back in Jan
Rick: the other 7 names are up for removal; Dalton motioned; Rick seconded
2nd Chief Cheryl (Susan)-yes, 2nd Chief Cheryl (Mark)-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Rick-yes
Membership Updates to full status
John motioned to updated the following files; Dalton seconded:
Kenneth Stone
Jean Hayes
Voting: Elders
Received 3 ballots postmarked on time
Council: Dalton: 3; Rick: 3, John:1, Robert: 1, Neal: 2, Jeania B: 2
Won’t change election results
Constitution: yes: 3
Special Needs Fishing Day
Elder Doug: start fundraising now
Rick suggests Elders keep the money
Dalton: in a separate account?
Or have it earmarked in their check memo line
Alan F: will talk to DNR about trailers
Mark’s email: Rick
Mark sent an email to me and requested I forward it to Council
John T: it was proposed that we give gifts to Donnie & Michelle for their work
Propose we give them $200 each from general fund; Robert seconded
Dalton: puts me in awkward position
2nd Chief Cheryl (Susan)-yes, 2nd Chief Cheryl (Mark)-yes, John-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-abstain, Rick-yes
Chief Hatcher/ Susan to sign checks when they return
2nd Chiefs
Cheryl: more on USDA grant: $10,000-$500,000, smaller amounts get priority
Used for training, technology, land, removal of buildings, roads
Status: open
Michelle: cutoff date?
2nd Chief Cheryl: we’ll need to go to to view full grant
Robert motioned to close the meeting; John seconded.
Meeting adjourned 8:45 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 1/10/17 at 1:45 pm.