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December 2017 Open Meeting Summary

Tribal Open Meeting Summary 12/01/2017 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC

  1. CM’s John, Mark, Dalton, Robert, Jeania, and CoC Rick present. Elder Dan present. 2C Cheryl served as a proxy for Susan and arrived late.

  2. Financial Report

  3. General Fund: $15,149.46 (as of 11/30/2017 on CNB site)

  4. Building Fund: $1986.94 (as of 11/30/2017 on CNB site)

  5. Cemetery Fund: $531.26

  6. Online Votes

  7. 11/4 Pay fuel bill $72.17 Check 513

  8. Mark-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeania-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes

  9. 11/17 Accept & Approve October Meeting Summary

  10. Mark-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeania-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes

  11. 11/30 Give $100 each to Donnie & Michelle for tribal work

  12. Mark-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeania-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes

  13. Old Business

  14. Elder Position: Interview Becky Smith

  15. Jeania- are you prepared for the position

  16. Becky-yes

  17. Mark: based on attendance & speaking to her previously, no questions

  18. Dalton: same, she attends regularly

  19. Rick: Will you be okay around these old guys?

  20. Becky-yes

  21. Rick: motion to accept Becky as an Elder; Mark seconded

  22. Mark-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeania-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes

  23. Rick swore Becky into Elder position

  24. Chief of Elders to ask Avalene to resign after checking into whether Chief Hatcher has sent her a letter

  25. Mark: possible to have honorary Elder positions? Leave the name, but none of the responsibility?

  26. New Business

  27. Waccamaw Family Day 2/17

  28. Alan: looking into Low Country Boil & BBQ prices

  29. Mark: and chips & hot dogs for children

  30. Mark to also check prices of a pig with sides

  31. Need drinks (cans, lemonade, water, or tea)

  32. Games: cornhole, horseshoes, karaoke, egg toss

  33. Time: 11-5:30, lunch at 1

  34. 2C Cheryl to bring fireworks

  35. Entertainment by Chief Hatcher on guitar

  36. Craft lessons with Susan?

  37. 2C Cheryl says yes

  38. Fishing at the pond

  39. Archery tournament for kids & adults: $50 prize for each?

  40. Elder Dan: do jewelry as prizes for 2nd & 3rd place

  41. Rick: motion for the tribe to allot $100 in total prize fund for Family Day; Mark seconded

  42. Mark-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeania-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, 2c Cheryl (Susan)-yes

  43. Facebook Event post

  44. Michelle: don’t just click “like,” be sure to share it so it reaches more people

  45. Elder Dan: why not have someone do face painting?

  46. Alan: have people drumming

  47. Rick: what about pony rides?

  48. Mark: we would need to rope off the area and make sure someone is watching at all times

  49. Email your friends

  50. John: create a call chain

  51. 2C Cheryl: could do a robocall

  52. Dalton: in the future: free to members, $5 for non-members?

  53. Winter Solstice 12/21 (Thurs)

  54. Public ceremony 12/16 (Sat)

  55. Elder Becky: suggest everyone bring their own lunch

  56. Rick: the tribe could provide breakfast; others to bring covered dish to be shared by everyone

  57. Mark: sausage & pancakes: cheaper than biscuits

  58. Committee Reports

  59. Pauwau: Michelle

  60. Had our outbrief meeting, which is to be more fully discussed in January at open meeting

  61. Next Meeting 1/10 at 6pm at tribal office

  62. Looking for Volunteers for Pauwau2018

  63. Looking for older Pauwau pictures for program book

  64. Mark: please research last 5 years pauwau profits

  65. Rick: went around to vendors & this is what they said

  66. Sewage Dumping station

  67. Bath house

  68. More drums

  69. Upset about having to go to separate vendors for food & drink

  70. That was done so it wouldn’t impede the tribe’s ability to make money from drinks

  71. Want a Grand Entry on Friday

  72. Michelle: the vendors fussed about the extra cost for being open on Friday

  73. There should be no bare feet in the circle; children should be more supervised

  74. Less storytelling time

  75. 2C Cheryl: that was, in part, because John didn’t have someone sitting with him to keep him on schedule

  76. More Missing Man Ceremonies

  77. Michelle: we have to work around Rolling Thunder’s schedule for that

  78. Better handicap parking: should be front row at vendors

  79. More P-o-P close to the circle

  80. Michelle: there were some on the other side of the vendors & at the fire circle

  81. Background music when drums are at rest

  82. Smudging at the dance circle

  83. Michelle, Mark: it’s smudged at sunrise before anyone enters

  84. John: we could do a second smudging to share our culture

  85. Elder Dan: can Chris H work with an Arena Director

  86. Michelle: he can shadow the Arena Director & learn this year

  87. Mark: Chris goes to events throughout the year; could be ready by next Pauwau

  88. Need Chris’ input at the Pauwau meeting

  89. Michelle: we have asked for more people to step up for positions so we could keep it local

  90. 2C Cheryl: motion to assist Chris with attending Pauwaus & learning

  91. John: he’s already going to these events

  92. Handwashing stations

  93. Mark: they can be gotten from the same place as P-o-P

  94. Offer a trade blanket for vendors: vendors swap items

  95. Let members in for free

  96. Mark: they have to work 4+ hours to get in for free

  97. Dalton: they get into Family Day for free

  98. Michelle: there are solstices, equinoxes, and Family Day for them to get in free

  99. Mark: a member told a senior that they got a discount on books

  100. Dalton: every person on Council gets 4 passes; use them or give them away

  101. Donnie: that needs to stop too

  102. John: if it weren’t a fundraiser, would we have a Pauwau?

  103. Dalton: I imagine if we were rich tomorrow, yes

  104. John: then it could be argued they should get in free

  105. Michelle: it takes $5-6000 to pay basic utilities and administration costs

  106. That doesn’t take into account other projects we want to get done

  107. Drum: possible Northern drum, more drums, young drum seeking playtime

  108. Mark: there was miscommunication among the Edisto guys

  109. Pernell Richardson was a suggestion

  110. Jeania: why not play games during slower times?

  111. Alan: charge for a blowgun contest

  112. Dancers: feed them

  113. Michelle: we do; they are told when they register to go to the office if they want a free meal

  114. Rick: is there a gourd dancer?

  115. Mark: do a friendship dance during downtime

  116. Dancers: let them in free?

  117. Michelle: no, everyone pays at the gate. If they register in regalia, they can request their gate fee back

  118. This year, money was only paid back to tribal members

  119. Keep dancers in the circle more; more dance time

  120. Rick: Council should have more say so on committee decisions

  121. Dalton: Council can attend the meeting

  122. If Council is making the decisions, there’s so sense in having the committee

  123. We have begged for people to attend these meetings

  124. Mark: have asked Susan before an open meeting what’s been going on with the PW committee & was asked to come to the meeting

  125. Rick: we shouldn’t have to come to the meeting

  126. Michelle: that’s why committees give a report each month by resolution

  127. John: can I get a copy of the PW agenda & minutes?

  128. Michelle: yes, until now, not one of you have asked to ever see the summaries from PW meetings

  129. Friday night vending

  130. Michelle: again, vendors fussed about the extra cost for being open on Friday for School Day

  131. What is closing time? Arrange a time between 7-11?

  132. Michelle: it’s typically gone until dark, depending on how big of a crowd is there

  133. Each vendor can close up at whatever time they want

  134. Water hookups to every vendor site

  135. Mark: food court needs it

  136. It requires more work around the circle

  137. View of the circle

  138. Majority of vendors want it, but know it’s not always possible

  139. Majority want a circle lineup

  140. High scores on feelings about members

  141. 7-8 out of 10 on PW as a whole

  142. Liked Grand Entry

  143. Most attend 1-25 PW’s each year

  144. Membership Dues

  145. Rick: can Jeania take care of that?

  146. Mark: think checks need to go to her address before being deposited

  147. Michelle: every deposit slip has a breakdown of how the money is allotted & for whom

  148. Council Tasks from Rick

  149. John is to look into PW research & development

  150. Mark is to do financial reporting

  151. Rick: he’ll need the banking account information

  152. Larry: horse poker rides in March: $10/ rider

  153. Fundraiser

  154. Flyers, advertising, chicken bog

  155. Rick: motion that we budget up to $500; Robert seconded

  156. Mark-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeania-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, 2c Cheryl (Susan)-yes

  157. Golf cart batteries

  158. Mark: motion to buy the batteries we didn’t buy last year

  159. Dalton: how much were they again?

  160. Mark: $500-600

  161. Dalton seconded

  162. Mark-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeania-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, 2c Cheryl (Susan)-yes

  163. Push lawnmower isn’t being used

  164. Mark: Donnie suggests selling it

  165. Rick: do a raffle on it with a limit of 1000 tickets

  166. Alan to check on legal issues

  167. Mark: Make sure it has a new battery to help with ticket sales

  168. Mark motioned to purchase black & white tickets for up to $75; Rick seconded

  169. Mark-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeania-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, 2c Cheryl (Susan)-yes

  170. 2C Cheryl: motion to put the raffle money towards Special Needs Fishing Day; Mark seconded

  171. Mark-yes, Robert-yes, Dalton-yes, Jeania-yes, John-yes, Rick-yes, 2c Cheryl (Susan)-yes

  172. Mark: Doug & Jewell raise money for Fishing days

  173. Rick: we’re not stepping on them; we’ll use it all

  174. Rick: if we don’t have something to sell in a few months, buy something to raffle

  175. Mark: members & PW demonstrators are getting up in age; need to look for younger people

  176. Drum: Rick, Alan, Glenn playing in Jan

  177. Dalton: can you drum during PW?

  178. Rick: we need more at drum & more practice

  179. Mark: can I practice with you on drum on Saturdays after the open meeting?

  180. Rick: yes

  181. 2C Cheryl: Cemetery Report

  182. Told Terry that Council isn’t happy with the report

  183. Probably have to file with Master-in-Equities court

  184. Rick: has Chief Hatcher refiled on the roof?

  185. Other Pauwau Outbrief items not mentioned

  186. Doing away with the second Grand Entry on Saturday because dancers/ people are leaving

  187. Need more Native recipes

  188. Mark: spoke with Paul & he said he will cook next year

  189. Rodlyn was upset about not being allowed to draw the numbers for the dance raffle

  190. She may not be back next year

  191. She needs to talk to Council

  192. Mark: she has a conflict of interest

  193. John: what was the issue?

  194. Michelle: her daughter competes

Mark motioned to close the meeting; John seconded.

Meeting adjourned 9:36 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Michelle Hatcher on 12/9/17 at 5:38 pm.

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