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December 2011 Open Meeting Summary 12022011
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 12/02/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC 1. CoC Scott, and CM's Dalton, Homer, Robert, Neal, and...
October 2011 Meeting Summary 10072011
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 10/07/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC 1. CoC Scott, and CM's Dalton, Homer, Richia, Neal, and...
September 2011 Open Meeting Summary 09022011
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 9/02/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC 1. CoC Scott and CM's Neal, Robert, Homer, & Dalton present....
August 2011 Open Meeting Summary 08052011
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 8/05/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor, SC 1. CoC Scott and CM's Dalton, Homer, and Neal present. 2nd...
July 2011 Open Meeting Summary 07082011
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 7/08/2011 held at the Aynor Senior Center in Aynor 1. CoC Scott, and CM's Homer, Neal, and Dalton present....
June 2011 Open Meeting Summary 06032011
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 6/03/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor 1. CoC Scott, and CM's Homer, Richia, Neal, and Dalton present....
May 2011 Open Meeting Summary 05062011
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 5/06/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor 1. CoC Scott, and CM's Homer, Richia, Neal, and Dalton present....
April 2011 Open Meeting Summary 04082011
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 4/08/2011 held at the Aynor Senior Center in Aynor, SC CoC Scott, CM's Dalton, Neal, Homer, Richia (6:50pm)...
March 2011 Open Meeting Summary 03042011
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 3/04/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor 1. CoC Scott, CM's Dalton, Neal, Richia, Robert, and 2nd Chief...
February 2011 Open Meeting Summary 02042011
Tribal Open Meeting Summary 2/04/2011 held at the Tribal Office in Aynor CoC Scott and CM's Dalton, Neal, Richia, Jeanie, and Homer...
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